Vitex berry essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and berries of a tree known botanically as Vitex agnus-castus (buy it here). It is also called chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham’s balm or Monk’s pepper. This essential oil has an earthy, bitter-sweet, floral-herbaceous fragrance. It has analgesic, anaphrodisiac, anti-androgenic, anti-estrogenic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antinociceptive, antispasmodic, antitumoral, fungicidal, galactogogue and sedative therapeutic properties. Vitex berry has been proven to be a very effective treatment option for many women’s health issues.
1. Treat Premenstrual Syndrome
Blend 2 drops of vitex berry essential oil into 1 teaspoon of your favorite carrier oil (a 2% blend) to reduce PMS symptoms and cramps. It can also be used to treat Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMMD). Apply the blend topically to the lower abdomen directly over the ovaries once or twice each day. You can also apply the blend to the lower throat in the area of the thyroid, to the wrists and ankles and on the inner thighs. Experiment with locations to determine what works best for you. Ingesting 5 to 10 drops of vitex berry EO twice each day starting a week or two before your next expected menstrual period is also effective. It can take a few months to reach full effect.
**Do not use vitex berry essential oil if you are taking birth control pills, estrogen or are on hormone replacement therapy.**
2. Regulate the Menstrual Cycle
Use the 2% blend to help regulate your menstrual cycle. Apply it in the same way as recommended for PMS. You can also take 1 drop of vitex berry essential oil orally each day for this benefit.
3. Shrink Uterine Fibroid Tumors
Take 1 drop of vitex berry essential oil orally twice each day to shrink uterine fibroid tumors. You can also massage the 2% blend into your lower abdomen directly over your uterus to relieve pain and inflammation.
4. Get Relief from Menopause Symptoms
A daily application of 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend over the ovaries relieves hot flashes and moodiness associated with menopause. You can also use vitex EO to relieve vaginal dryness that is so common in menopausal women. Mix up a 2% blend using Emu oil or coconut oil as the carrier oil and insert it vaginally. A really easy way to do this is to mix the vitex oil into virgin, non-fractionated coconut oil, divide it up into small 1/4- to 1/2-teaspoon blobs in an ice cube tray and put it in the refrigerator to solidify. After about 30 minutes, you can spoon the therapeutic suppositories out, put them in a small container and keep them in the refrigerator. Do not use fractionated coconut oil for this – it doesn’t solidify in the refrigerator.
Alzheimer’s-Reversing Oil that is Beating Prescription Drugs
5. Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections
Use the vitex berry/coconut oil vaginal suppositories to treat vaginal yeast infections or Candida. Chasteberry has been clinically proven to be an effective treatment for eight different strains of Candida. Insert one of the suppositories at night before bed and one in the morning. Coconut oil has some wonderful Candida-fighting properties, too.
**Apply a small amount of a 2% vitex berry oil/carrier oil blend to an inconspicuous patch of skin. Wait at least a few hours to see if you get a reaction before you begin using it all over.**
6. Treat Endometriosis
Ingest 5 to 10 drops of vitex berry essential oil twice a day to treat endometriosis. You can also massage the 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend into the abdominal area and lower back to reduce pain and inflammation.
7. Balance Hormones
Take vitex berry essential oil orally, practice aromatherapy or apply the 2% blend topically for natural hormone balance. Rub the 2% blend into your belly and throat.
8. Cool an Overactive Libido
Practice vitex berry, or chasteberry, EO aromatherapy several times a day, ingest 1 drop daily or apply the 2% blend topically to help cool off an overactive libido.
9. Increase Fertility
Use vitex berry essential oil to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Ingest 1 drop per day or apply the 2% blend to your lower abdominal area and throat.
**Stop using vitex berry as soon as you suspect you are pregnant. It should not be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding a baby.**
10. Reduce Hair Loss
Use the vitex berry essential oil in the same way as you would to balance your hormones to reduce hair loss.
11. Get Rid of Acne
Use vitex berry to get rid of acne by balancing your hormones.
12. Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Include vitex berry essential oil in your Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) treatment. Its anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing therapeutic properties can improve the condition. Apply the 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend to the abdomen over the ovaries once or twice each day. Vitex berry aromatherapy and 1 drop of vitex berry once or twice each day can also help.
**Chasteberry EO is safe to ingest; however, make sure you are taking high-quality oil that is approved for ingestion.**
13. Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Ingest vitex berry essential oil and apply the 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. It may prove beneficial. There is also clinical data that suggests vitex berry may be an effective treatment for prostate cancer.
14. Improve your Mood
Apply the 2% vitex EO blend each morning to lift your spirits and improve your mood. You can use any carrier oil you like with vitex berry essential oil. Argan oil, jojoba oil and sweet almond oil are all great carrier oils with their own particular benefits. Argan is a nice, light carrier oil that absorbs into the skin quickly. Rub the blend into your feet, ankles and inner thighs after you get out of the shower in the morning. If you are in a hurry, you can dab a drop on your wrists and rub your wrists together for this benefit. You can also practice vitex berry aromatherapy in the morning by simply adding 3 to 5 drops of the oil to about 1/2 cup of distilled water in your diffuser. Set the diffuser up at night before you go to bed so you can turn it on first thing and run it for 30 to 60 minutes while you get ready to start your day. If you need to improve your mood in the middle of the afternoon while you are away from home, simply take a few quick inhales directly from the vitex berry EO bottle.
**Vitex berry EO should not be used by prepubertal children.**
15. Reduce Tension
Practice vitex berry essential oil aromatherapy to relax and lower your tension levels. If you can, take a 10- to 15-minute quiet break with the lights turned down and the diffuser running to really relax. If that’s not possible, just take some quick, deep inhales from the essential oil bottle. You can also put a few drops of the 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend in your hands, rub them together, massage the oil into the back of your neck and chest then cup your hands over your nose and mouth for a quick olfactory treatment.
16. Treat Parkinson’s Disease
Vitex berry essential oil may reduce Parkinson’s disease symptoms when the 2% blend is applied to the bottoms of the feet and spine once or twice each day. Vitex berry aromatherapy can also be helpful. If you are already being treated for Parkinson’s, though, talk to your doctor before you use chasteberry EO. It can interfere with medications that are frequently prescribed for this disease.
**Do not use vitex agnus-castus oil if you are being treated for psychological disorders like schizophrenia. It can interfere with antipsychotic medications.**
17. Treat and Prevent Bacterial Infections
Practice vitex berry aromatherapy and apply the 2% blend to treat and prevent bacterial infections. It has been clinically proven to kill several different types of bacterial organisms, including the dreaded methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This type of staph thrives on the skin, in the nose and in the respiratory tract.
18. Reduce Pain
Gently massage the 2% vitex berry/carrier oil blend into painful areas of the body for pain relief. It has proven antinociceptive and analgesic medicinal properties. Vitex berry aromatherapy may help with generalized body pain. Massage the 2% blend into your temples and forehead to help reduce headache pain.
19. Reduce Inflammation
Apply the 2% vitex berry blend to areas of inflammation for relief. Vitex berry aromatherapy may help with inflammation in the throat and sinuses. It may also relieve more generalized inflammation in the body.
**A 1% to 3% dilution rate (1 to 3 drops of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil) is fine for everyday use. Stronger dilution rates can be used, up to 10% or even 25%, but should only be used for no more than 2 weeks at a time.**
20. Treat Arthritis
Use vitex berry to reduce the pain and inflammation brought on by arthritis. The 2% blend can be gently massaged into sore, achy joints several times a day for relief.
21. Relieve Muscle Spasms
Massage the 2% vitex berry blend into muscles when they spasm or cramp up for relaxing relief. It will soothe the muscle and relieve the pain.
Possible Side Effects
There have been cases where people have experienced some unpleasant side effects. Diarrhea, nausea, upset stomach, weight gain, longer menstrual periods and headaches from taking or using vitex berry have been reported. They may be due to changes in hormone production as your system becomes better balanced and could pass as your body adjusts. They could also be occurring because the vitex is making the hormone imbalance worse. An allergic reaction can also happen, as with any natural substance, some people are allergic. An allergic reaction could cause a rash, itching, hives and even swelling of the mouth and throat along with difficulty breathing. If any of these symptoms occur, stop taking vitex immediately and contact your physician or go to the emergency room if they are severe.
Was this list helpful to you? I was pleased to learn about this great, natural way to treat so many of the ailments and discomforts we women experience. On top of all that, vitex berry oil can be used to kill bacteria and treat Parkinson’s disease. It is absolutely incredible. If you are a woman who even occasionally suffers from any of the issues mentioned above, this oil is definitely one that you want in your medicine cabinet.
Please leave a comment to let me know whether or not this list was helpful to you and share your own vitex berry essential oil experiences. There may be something you’ve used it for that the rest of us might find helpful. Be sure to share, too, so that others can become aware of all the wonderful uses for this essential oil.
1. Hopewell Essential Oils: Vitex
2. Dr. Axe: Vitex or Chasteberry, the Female-Friendly Fruit for PMS & More