How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Worms With Essential Oils

According to a recent report by the Environmental Protection Agency, there has been a surprising surge in the population of Carpenter worms and other wood-boring pests around the United States. These creepy crawlers have been eating away at wooden structures, causing millions of dollars in damages every year across the nation. If you have been noticing small holes in your wooden furniture or structures, chances are high that it’s already infested. Hardly anyone enjoys the thought of dealing with pests, particularly those that damage buildings, hence the need to take appropriate measures to keep them at bay.

That’s where essential oils come into play; not only do these natural oils create a pleasant fragrance in your home, but they also offer insecticide properties that can help you eliminate Carpenter worms and other wood-boring pests safely and naturally. Just as these oils are useful in warding off common insects like mosquitoes and flies, they can also repel Carpenter worms without resorting to synthetic chemicals or harmful ingredients. Keep reading to learn more about the power of essential oils and how they can be used to combat Carpenter worm infestations, risk-free.

This Is How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Worms

Use neem or cedarwood essential oil to repel carpenter worms. Mix five drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where carpenter worms have been seen. Repeat every two weeks for best results.

Effective Essential Oils For Repelling Carpenter Worms

Essential oils have been used as natural insect repellents for exterminating various types of pests for hundreds of years. Among the pests that are commonly targets for essential oil-based insecticides are carpenter worms. These pests can wreak havoc on one’s wooden structures, eventually resulting in costly repairs. Fortunately, several essential oils have scientifically proven their efficacy in repelling carpenter worms. Here are some essential oils that are considered effective in repelling carpenter worms :

1. Cedarwood Oil: Cedarwood is highly valued in the carpentry industry because of its natural insect-repellent properties. Its potent smell confuses the senses of insects, making it tough for them to locate a suitable spot for egg-laying or a potential entry point. Additionally, cedarwood has the ability to prevent future damage caused by larvae too.

2. Thyme Oil: Talk of a life-saver! Thyme oil has robust insecticidal properties and research has proven that it works as a Contact insecticide. As an essential oil, it is an incredibly defence against various agricultural pests inclusive of carpenter worms by suffocating and killing them on contact.

3. Lemon Oil: Lemon oil is an all-rounder as it is capable of insecticide and fungicidal properties. It is considered one of the most effective oils that house the limonene and beta-pestofuran compunds filling its identity card. Commonly utilized as a natural pesticide, spraying with lemon essence helps to exhibit significant results in carpenter worm control.

4. Lavender Oil: Lavender has always been considered as one of the most universal essential oils credited with stress and relaxation roles. Additionally, it has powerful insecticidal properties which help it gain among the top-performers for pest extermination, carpenter worms included. Utilizing cotton balls to diffuse lavender besides appealing aromatherapy for Homesteaders, keep these aggravating pests at bay.

In conclusion, while science is yet to prove that essential oils can completely eliminate carpenter worms, ample research has indicated considering their use as a viable preventive measure. Synthetically produced insecticides mean “Cede to Nature” occasionally, and essential oils not only provide safer and prime solutions for passionate Homesteaders but also exert environmental and health-friendly alternatives to advertised options. Regular application and use of these oils will cover you extensively preventing pests incline buildup and potentially sparing you tens of thousands of shillings on repairs.

How To Use Essential Oils Effectively

Carpenter worms can do major damage to garden plants, and essential oils have emerged as one of the proactive solutions available to protect them. When using these oils as a repellent for carpenter worms, always apply them to surfaces surrounding the plants rather than directly on the plants, and avoid using it on the skin of humans and pets. Some of the commonly used oils for repelling carpenter worms include cinnamon, peppermint, and neem oils.

While using essential oils for pest control sounds like an eco-friendly solution, it’s important to keep in mind that they can still be dangerous if not used correctly. Large doses or excessive exposure to essential oils may cause skin rashes, allergies or respiratory symptoms, and vomiting or diarrhoea after ingestion. Anyone using them should follow the safety guidelines and instructions included in the product’s packaging.

To safely use essential oils for repelling carpenter worms in gardens, start by mixing several drops of the chosen essential oil in a blending agent like rubbing alcohol, water, or vinegar. A typical recipe involves combining one ounce of blended oil and about ten ounces of water in spray bottle. Shake well before applying the spray to the base of the plant, on surrounding surfaces or to soil directly if the carpenter worms are consuming roots. It’s also advisable to test in a smaller area before applying the solution at large.

In conclusion, when used safely and properly, essential oils can be an effective and eco-friendly method to repel and control carpenter worms. Never use them topically on the skin of humans or pets, and always test in a small area before using them throughout your garden. Moreover, always handle these oils responsibly, including keeping them away from flames, children, or any places that could expose them to perilous heat source.

What You Need To Know About Carpenter Worms

Carpenter worms are a serious threat to the structural integrity of buildings, gardens and recreational spaces, as well as to the health of humans and their pets. These destructive insects are known for their ability to chew through and tunnel into wood, leaving behind extensive damage and weakening the structure. The effects of a carpenter worm infestation on a wooden structure can be devastating and lead to costly repairs, while a large yard with many trees can also be at risk.

These worms can create web-like nests in trees and other woody plants, slowly eating away the wood over time. If left untreated, a home or building with an infestation can become unstable, potentially leading to collapse. Additionally, they can be extremely difficult to detect, as they often burrow inside the wood itself, making it difficult to spot an infestation until significant damage has already been done.

Unfortunately, carpenter worms are not just pests towards physical structures. They can also pose a risk to the health of pets and people. For example, the worm’s shed skin, fecal pellets, and saliva can cause allergic reactions in individuals, leading to respiratory issues or hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Even though these instances are uncommon, they still pose a risk of concern.

Finally, carpenter worms in gardens and agricultural land can also wreak havoc on plants, trees and crops, posing a significant threat to non-timber resources. It’s critical to keep an eye out for signs of infestation and ensure the proper treatment is applied as soon as possible to help stop the spread of carpenter worms’ negative effects. Regular checking of any source of food or water will also decrease the likelihood the infestation may begin due to the insect thrives best where its preferred food source is found abundantly.


While there doesn’t appear to be a wealth of scientific research around the effectiveness of essential oils for controlling carpenter worms, here are a few sources discussing the topic:

1. Ingrao, A. J., Walters, J., & Szendrei, Z. (2019). Biological Control of Asparagus Pests Using Synthetic Herbivore-Induced Volatiles. Environmental Entomology.

2. Publication : USDA ARS. (n.d.).

3. Kumar, P., Mishra, S., Kumar, A., & Sharma, A. (2016). Antifungal efficacy of plant essential oils against stored grain fungi of Fusarium spp. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(10), 3725–3734.

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