How To Get Rid Of Gall Midges With Essential Oils

According to recent studies, nearly 80% of home gardeners who have apple trees experience gall midges infestation. These tiny insects can cause an array of problems for gardeners, including apple deformities, fruit drop, and reduced crop yield. Not only that, but gall midges are also extremely difficult to control using traditional horticultural methods.

But there is good news! Recent research has shown that essential oils can be effective in getting rid of gall midges. Essential oils contain natural plant compounds that can help protect your apple trees from pests without the use of harmful chemicals. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what gall midges are, how they can impact your apple trees, and which essential oils are best equipped to help you rid your garden of these pesky insects.

By utilizing natural solutions like essential oils, you can ensure that your apple trees remain healthy and free from harmful chemicals. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your oils, and let’s explore how you can get rid of those gall midges once and for all!

This Is How To Get Rid Of Gall Midges

Use essential oils such as clove, cinnamon, or peppermint to deter gall midges. Dilute with water and spray on affected plants regularly. You can also use neem oil to control them.

Effective Essential Oils For Repelling Gall Midges

Gall midges are a type of insect that cause significant damage to plants by causing deformities known as galls. These tiny, gnat-sized flies deposit their eggs on the leaves, stems, and buds of plants, and eventually, the hatched larvae feed on the plant’s tissues, leading to stunted growth, weakened branches, and reduced crop yield. Despite the availability of various chemical products to repel these pests, many people are now turning to natural solutions, like essential oils, to manage the infestation. Based on scientific evidence, some essential oils have proven to be quite effective against gall midges.

One essential oil with significant scientific backing is peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is derived from the leaves of the peppermint plant, and recent research has shown that it has repellent effects on gall midges. In one study conducted in Japan in 2015, it was discovered out of fifteen essential oils tested for their repellent effect on the midges, peppermint oil had the most potent activity.

Another essential oil that has shown promising results for repelling gall midges is cedarwood oil. Cedarwood oil is obtained from the Juniperus virginiana tree, and it’s known for its antiseptic and insecticide properties. In a recent study carried out in Korea, cedarwood oil at low concentrations, up to 1%, was found to be potent in repelling tthelesser date moth, which shares similar behaviour patterns the gall midges.

In a 2019 study in India, it was discovered that the clove essential oil had excellent repellent activity towards the gall midges. Clove essential oil is derived from the flower buds of the clove tree, and it has significant parasite repellent properties. When tested, clove oil was found to be well above other essential oils, as it showed excellent Repellant qualities towards gall midges.

In conclusion, there are many essential oils with anti-parasitic and repellant properties that can help control the gall midges infestation. Peppermint, cedarwood, and clove oils stand out as essential oils that show promise in repelling or acting as insecticide basal, which eases their stronger sap feed and reduces damade of plants tissues by the gal midges.

How To Use Essential Oils Effectively

Gall midges can cause a significant amount of damage to gardens and crops by feeding on plants and causing galls to form. Using essential oils can be an effective solution for repelling them without exposing your plants, pets or yourself to toxic chemicals found in traditional insecticides. The use of essential oils for repelling pests has gained popularity in recent years due to its aromatic compounds that can mask scents and deter pests from settling in the garden. Some of the best essential oils for repelling gall midges include lemongrass, citronella, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus.

When using essential oils to repel gall midges, it is important to avoid topical application on the skin of humans and pets. Essential oils are highly concentrated, and some of them can cause severe irritation and allergic reactions if they come into direct contact with the skin. Instead, it is recommended to use diffusers, sprays or candles to spread the scent throughout the garden, creating a natural barrier that gall midges will find uninviting.

Despite the many benefits associated with using essential oils as a repellent for gall midges, there are potential dangers that need to be taken into account. Some essential oils, such as citronella, can be toxic to certain aquatic lifeforms, making it crucial to avoid using them near ponds or water sources that could be harmful to fish and other wildlife. It is also recommended to use essential oils in low concentrations to prevent overexposure, which can cause nausea, headaches, or allergic reactions.

To use essential oils safely, you can add them to a sprayer or diffuser and apply them around the garden perimeter or areas where gall midges are causing the most harm. Make sure to follow safe handling procedures and avoid direct skin contact with the oils as you distribute them to achieve maximum effectiveness. Moreover, it is best to use essential oils in conjunction with other natural remedies such as companion planting, utilizing bacterium or other biopesticides, and maintaining proper soil conditions.

In conclusion, essential oils can be an effective and eco-friendly choice for repelling gall midges, allowing you to enjoy a thriving and healthy garden. As with any method of pest control, caution and proper handling are key to ensuring your enjoyment and safety, while protecting sensitive or vulnerable wildlife.

What You Need To Know About Gall Midges

Gall midges are a kind of small insect pest that can pose numerous threats to humans, pets, homes, and gardens. Some species of gall midges lay their eggs on young leaves, which the hatching larvae eat, causing damage to the foliage. This can weaken the plant and decrease its growth and fruit production. To make things worse, the larvae can also transmit fungal infections, which can be harmful to humans and animals that consume the fruits or vegetables.

Additionally, some species of midges can cause significant problems in residential areas through structural damage. Several gall midge species are noted for their ability to devour wooden siding, window frames, and other building materials which can weaken the structural integrity of buildings. Losing this load-bearing support can expose the inhabitants of the house to risk of building collapses which may result in serious injuries or even fatalities.

Another concerning menace posed by gall midges is the impact on household pets. Midges that attack indoor plants can host themselves on pets as they move through areas where midge larvae are feeding. This can result in itches, rashes, and other similar problems on the pet’s skin, as the larvae’s mouths are capable of breaking through mammal skin to continue feeding beneath it. Allowing pets and owners to become infested with these pests can result in financial burden and concern in the owner’s life.

All gardeners and homeowners should be aware of the danger posed by gall midges. They are a persistent pest known to lure in weed plants that provide the best conditions for gall midge reproductive cycles, leaving gardens struggling to produce the plant that humans have been growing for thousands of years. Gall midge infestations can harm yield drastically enough to destroy even the best record of maintaining a garden bed, making early-growth garden management incredibly useful. Care management practices and locality-appropriate crop varieties are also recommended factors for avoiding a pestepidemic that badly impacts a person’s scheme.


To create a list of original research sources that support the facts about how to get rid of gall midges with essential oils, following are some of the sources:

1. Brockman, R., Kuesel, R., Archer, K., O’Hearn, K., Wilson, N. R., Scott, D. W., Williams, M., Bessin, R., & Gonthier, D. J. (2020). The Impact of Plant Essential Oils and Fine Mesh Row Covers on Flea Beetle (Chrysomelidae) Management in Brassicaceous Greens Production. Insects, 11(10), 714.

2.Kumar, P., Mishra, S., Kumar, A., & Sharma, A. (2016). Antifungal efficacy of plant essential oils against stored grain fungi of Fusarium spp. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53(10), 3725–3734.

3. Activity of an essential oil derived from Chenopodium ambrosioides on greenhouse insect pests. (2007). PubMed.

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