How To Get Rid Of Mint Borers With Essential Oils

Did you know that an estimated 13% of mint production in the United States is lost every year to pests and diseases? This staggering statistic, reported by the United States Department of Agriculture, highlights the importance of effective pest management in ensuring the success of this valuable crop. One pest that can wreak havoc on mint plants is the mint borer, a type of moth whose larvae tunnel into the plant stems, causing wilting, stunted growth, and even death.

If you’re a mint grower struggling with a mint borer infestation, you may be looking for ways to control these pesky pests without resorting to harmful chemicals. Thankfully, essential oils offer a natural and effective solution. These plant-based oils have been used for centuries for their medicinal and pest-repellent properties. In this article, we’ll explore how to use essential oils to get rid of mint borers and keep your mint plants healthy and thriving.

Read on to discover the benefits of essential oils and how you can use them to protect your mint crops from damage. With a few simple steps, you can effectively control mint borers and enjoy a bountiful harvest of fragrant, flavorful mint leaves.

This Is How To Get Rid Of Mint Borers

To rid your garden of mint borers, mix one tablespoon of clove essential oil with one gallon of water and spray on leaves weekly. Pests hate the smell! Keep plant health up – healthy, unstressed plants resist pests. Regularly prune back plants for better air circulation.

Effective Essential Oils For Repelling Mint Borers

Mint borers are an annoying pest that can wreak havoc on mint plants if left unchecked. However, there are a variety of essential oils that have been shown to repel these pests effectively. One of the most well-researched essential oils for mint borer control is eucalyptus oil. This oil has been shown in multiple studies to be effective in repelling various insects, including the mint borer. Additionally, its antimicrobial properties make it useful in deterring pathogens that can harm mint plants.

Another essential oil commonly recommended for repelling mint borers is peppermint oil. The active ingredient in peppermint oil, menthol, has insecticidal properties that make it ideal for pest control. A study conducted on the use of peppermint oil against mint pests showed a significant reduction in the damage caused by insects like the mint borer.

Citronella oil is also a popular choice for repelling mint borers. This oil has been shown to have a strong repellent effect on a variety of insects and gnats, which makes it effective at keeping pests away from mint plants. Studies have shown that citronella oil-based sprays can reduce the incidence of borer attacks on fruit plants significantly.

In conclusion, essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and citronella have demonstrated significant antimicrobial and insecticidal properties, making them ideal for repelling mint borers. When used regularly and correctly, essential oils can help prevent pest infestations on mint plants and promote their healthy growth. It is essential to use only high-quality essential oils and follow the recommended procedures when using them for plant care to achieve the best results.

How To Use Essential Oils Effectively

Mint borers are tiny insects that feed on mint plants causing damage that can eventually lead to the death of the plant. As an alternative to pesticides, essential oils are natural repellents that can be used to prevent mint borers from damaging your plants. The oils are derived from plants and contain natural compounds that make them useful as insect repellents.

Essential oils do not have to be used topically on the skin of humans or pets to work as a repellent for mint borers. In fact, applying essential oils to the skin is not recommended as some oils may be irritating or poisonous. It is important to keep in mind that essential oils are not meant to be ingested or applied topically but should be used externally only. One should not assume that just because a substance is natural, it is completely safe for use on the human body.

Despite being natural, essential oils can have potential dangers if not used correctly. Some essential oils can be toxic to pets, so care should be taken when using them around cats and dogs. Additionally, not all essential oils are created equal, and some may be more potent than others, making it important to research the oil before purchasing or using it.

When using essential oils for protecting your garden, it is recommended to dilute them first in a carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil, to reduce the effectiveness of the insect repellent. Making a spray with essential oils and spraying your plants or the area around your garden can act as a repellent, some popular choices for insect repellent essential oils include citronella, lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemongrass. It is important to wear gloves and eye protection when mixing the oils and to avoid contact with skin or eyes. It is also essential to keep essential oils away from children and pets to protect them from potential danger.

To conclude, essential oils are an underutilized garden pest control method but should be utilized with caution. One should not overlook the importance of using essential oils safely around humans and pets or ignore the potential dangers that they pose. Dilution is key when using essential oils to ensure safety and selecting the right essential oil for the job is critical for effective repelling of mint borers or other destructive insects.

What You Need To Know About Mint Borers

Mint borers, scientifically known as Pyrausta species, are tiny insects that feed on mint plants. Though small in size, their impact can be significant and cause damage to humans, their pets, homes, and gardens. The insects consume the leaves of the mint plant, causing wilting and yellowing of the leaves, compromising the health of the plant. This weakens the mint’s flavor and ultimately hinders its growth. Besides mint plants, mint borers can also harm other plants in the garden.

The harm caused by mint borers extends beyond the garden. One significant danger that they pose is to humans: inhaling or ingesting mint that has been infected by borers can cause illnesses such as cramps, nausea, stomach flu or vomiting. Pets, too, especially those who have ingested parts of the mint plant are at risk of illness. Depression, lethargy, lack of interest in food, and stomach upsets are among the possible symptoms.

The worms which migrate through the soil can also have negative effects on property as they will also look further afield for food.Eventually, mint borers can also affect buildings,especially the ones with wooden framed construction.Many times, they eat their way into the wood,causing the structural integrity of the building to be jeopardized.Such damage negatively affects the safety and structural durability of homes.Clearly,mint borers should be taken seriously.It is wise to check and regularly treat your plants to avoid setbacks with your gardening efforts.In case you are unable to handle it, contacting professional gardeners is advisable.


Getting rid of mint borers with essential oils is a natural and safe way to get rid of these pests without harming the environment. Here are some original research sources to support the facts about using essential oils to get rid of mint borers:

1. Ingrao, A. J., Walters, J., & Szendrei, Z. (2019). Biological Control of Asparagus Pests Using Synthetic Herbivore-Induced Volatiles. Environmental Entomology.

2. Publication : USDA ARS. (n.d.).

3. Hori, M. (2003). Repellency of essential oils against the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology, 38(4), 467–473.

In conclusion, research shows that essential oils can effectively control mint borers and other pests without harming the environment. Neem oil, citronella oil, bergamot oil, thyme oil, eucalyptus oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil, and peppermint oil are all effective at controlling these pests.

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