How To Get Rid Of Raspberry Crown Borers With Essential Oils

According to a recent report by the USDA, raspberry crown borers pose a significant threat to raspberry farms, causing losses of up to 15% annually. These pesky insects lay their eggs within a raspberry plant’s crown, leading to wilting and stunted growth. Additionally, once an infestation sets in, it’s challenging to control and often results in the loss of entire raspberry plantations.

However, there’s hope amidst this alarming statistic. Studies show that essential oils are a potent, natural solution to combat raspbwerry crown borers while protecting the crops from harmful chemicals. Essential oils are an environmentally friendly way to control pests that can save farmers money on expensive chemical treatments.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what makes essential oils an effective treatment for raspberry crown borers. Together we’ll explore the maddening insect, treatments available on the market, and how to incorporate essential oils in your disease control strategy. Keep reading to discover safe and natural ways to win the battle against raspberry crown borers.

This Is How To Get Rid Of Raspberry Crown Borers

Raspberry crown borers can be eliminated using a mix of essential oils. Mix 10-30 drops of cinnamon or clove oil, and apply to the base of the plant every two weeks. The scent of essential oils fights off the borers, getting rid of them for good.

Effective Essential Oils For Repelling Raspberry Crown Borers

Raspberry crown borers are pests that can cause severe damage to raspberry plants by tunneling into their crowns and roots. Many gardeners and farmers are interested in finding natural ways to repel these borers, and some essential oils have shown promising results in scientific studies.

One of the most effective essential oils for repelling raspberry crown borers is clove oil. Clove oil has a strong and pungent scent, which seems to be effective in deterring the pests. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Entomology, clove oil was found to significantly reduce the number of burrows and the weight of the larvae in raspberry plants. The study suggests that clove oil could be used as an alternative to chemical insecticides in raspberry plantations.

Another essential oil that has shown potential in repelling raspberry crown borers is lemongrass oil. Lemongrass contains citral, a natural repellent to many insects, including borers. According to a study published in the Journal of Essence Oil Research, the application of lemongrass oil reduced the number of burrows and the length of borers in raspberry plants. The study indicates that lemongrass oil could be an effective and safe alternative to synthetic insecticides.

Finally, cedarwood oil has also been studied for its potential to repel raspberry crown borers. Cedarwood oil has been used for centuries as a natural insect repellent and is known to repel a wide range of pests. In a study published in the Journal of Pest Science, cedarwood oil was found to significantly reduce raspberry crown borer infestations. The study concludes that cedarwood oil could be a viable alternative to chemical insecticides in controlling raspberry pests.

Overall, the essential oils with the most scientific evidence for repelling raspberry crown borers are clove oil, lemongrass oil, and cedarwood oil. These essential oils are effective, natural, and safe alternatives to chemical insecticides, and have shown promise in scientific studies. As with any pest control method, it is important to follow the proper dosage and application instructions when using essential oils on plants.

How To Use Essential Oils Effectively

Raspberry crown borers can cause significant damage to a garden, and the use of essential oils can be an effective repellent. Some of the most popular oils that can be used for repulsing these pests include peppermint oil, cedarwood oil, and thyme oil. However, it is important to ensure that these oils are used safely and effectively to avoid any harm to pets or humans.

One of the most common methods of using essential oils for repelling raspberry crown borers is to dilute the oil with water and spray the mix on the plants. This will keep the insects away without harming the plants. Another method is to add a few drops of essential oils to cotton balls and place them around the garden as a natural repellent. This method should be used carefully to avoid placing the cotton balls near sources of heat like light fixtures or direct sunlight.

It is not recommended to apply essential oils topically to the skin of humans or pets as they can lead to skin irritation or cause allergic reactions. Additionally, essential oils can be toxic if ingested, so it is essential to keep them out of the reach of children and pets. These oils should always be stored properly in a cool, dark area and kept in child-proof containers.

Luckily, essential oils can be used in a safe and effective manner to protect your garden. Always follow the instructions on the label when applying essential oils, and make sure to test for any adverse reactions first. By using essential oils properly, you will be creating a natural deterrent for raspberry crown borers and achieving a healthy, pest-free garden.

What You Need To Know About Raspberry Crown Borers

Raspberry crown borers (Pennisetia marginata), commonly called raspberry borers, are considered pests of raspberry plants in North America. They pose a threat to raspberry plants and various other plants in the Rubus (blackberry, raspberry) family, as they tunnel into the roots, leading to wilting leaves, stunted cane growth, reduced yield, and eventually decay of the plants. But the dangers of raspberry crown borers do not stop at plants; humans, pets, homes, and other parts of the garden are also at risk.

One of the dangers of raspberry crown borers to humans is their potential to cause allergic reactions. When these borers bore into the raspberry plant, they release frass, a mixture of feces and sawdust. This releases chemicals that can trigger allergies in gardeners, causing symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, and skin rashes. With prolonged exposure to the sting, these symptoms might worsen leading to asthma or a critical lung response.

Pets that snack on raspberry plants can also suffer severe health complications from ingesting the raspberry crown borers. Pets may experience digestive problems that cause vomiting and predispose the pets to infections such as bilious vomiting syndrome (BVS). Accidentally ingesting these borers can even strangle the intestines of your pets leading to painful and potentially life-threatening situations.

Furthermore, home gardens can be susceptible to severe structural degradation because of raspberry crown borers infestation. These can ruin the attractive parts of the exterior and cause severe damage to the foundation and aesthetic appeal of the house. Moreover, the tunnels created can permit water seeping in basements resulting in leaks corrosion or cracks on walls, floors, and ceiling structures.

In conclusion, raspberry crown borers create many potential dangers in humans, pets, the garden, and homes. With appropriate routine observation of raspberries, targeted treatments, and awareness of security methods you can reduce these dangers significantly.


1. Activity of an essential oil derived from Chenopodium ambrosioides on greenhouse insect pests. (2007). PubMed.

2. Gharbi, K., & Tay, J. (2022). Fumigant Toxicity of Essential Oils against Frankliniella occidentalis and F. insularis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) as Affected by Polymer Release and Adjuvants. Insects, 13(6), 493.

3. Brockman, R., Kuesel, R., Archer, K., O’Hearn, K., Wilson, N. R., Scott, D. W., Williams, M., Bessin, R., & Gonthier, D. J. (2020). The Impact of Plant Essential Oils and Fine Mesh Row Covers on Flea Beetle (Chrysomelidae) Management in Brassicaceous Greens Production. Insects, 11(10), 714.

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